Let's Make a Basket!

I LOVE weaving and I LOVE getting others hooked on this craft of old.

woven basket

Craft of old, alive today.

Basket weaving is one of the oldest skills and crafts and has been found in every country and every time period, as far back as we have discovered. My goal as an instructor and designer is to share this skill/craft with anyone that is interested. To keep a craft alive as makers we must continue to share the skills of this craft with every generation. My daughter began weaving when she was 12, and still weaves to this day. Don’t be hesitant to learn something new, it may become your passion, your calm, your peace, like it has become mine.

You can create baskets that are for show, or for use, or even for both. My most prized basket is the ribbed basket that I made with an Elk spike shed. It is beautiful, useful, and has a story. Please join me and learn this craft with me.

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